Saturday, May 31, 2008

Designed choreography

some sketches for my research-project Choreography vs Graphic Design.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ontwerpen in een Digitale Werkelijkheid

Overzicht van mijn scriptie en het bijbehoorde affiche (in z/w) samengevoegd als poster voor de eindexamen expositie ArtEZ HKA.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Designed Choreography

some sketches for my research-project Choreography vs Graphic Design


Here some photo's of the design of my thesis, more photos coming soon on:
My thesis is called Designing in a digital society. It's about the impact of new technology and media on the mass, design and designers.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Designed choreography

Right now I'm in my final year graphic design, and for my final exam I'm working on a research-project. For this project I combine two of my greatest passions, graphic design (ofcourse) and dance.
This is one of my first sketches. How can I, with the tools of graphic design, reconstruct or design a choreography? This are stills out of the film, here you can watch the film.


Sometimes I like to draw strange creatures.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I designed a few months ago a 3D font, named Bloque, as an experiment. You can use the font in different ways:

or horizontal:

Hanna Donker